One of the most frustrating aspects of being human is dealing with unsightly hair growth in inappropriate places. Laser hair removal therapy at island aesthetics & dermatology may be an option if you seek a permanent and painless way to eliminate unwanted hair. 

These days, millions of people opt for laser hair removal treatments. The process relies on the skin’s melanin absorption of the concentrated light energy or laser. The light is transformed into heat, killing the hair follicles beneath the skin and stopping or slowing hair growth. 

These fundamental guidelines will be helpful if you are new to laser hair removal.

  • Get a shave before your procedure.

On the day of your treatment, you may consider doing your part by shaving or waxing your body. That is a major no-no. If you want the best results from laser hair removal, you should not try to pluck or wax your hair first. However, you can treat only the areas you shave with a razor. 

  • The finest results will come from a series of sessions.

Each and every hair has its own special granules that set it apart. Furthermore, people with darker complexion and hair tones are most successful with laser hair removal. It is vital to note that laser hair removal only removes approximately 80% of hair follicles. Having lighter skin means it will take more sessions to get the desired result. Therefore, repeated treatment sessions are necessary if you want to enjoy smooth, silky, hairless skin for an extended period. 

  • Avoid putting anything on your skin at all costs.

Be sure to use any skin products, such as lotion, on your face and body before undergoing laser hair removal treatment. There are ingredients in skin care products that could potentially cause discoloration, irritation, or even burns if exposed to a laser beam. 

  • The topic of post-treatment irritation is covered.

Before committing to treatment, reading up on laser hair removal, including any possible adverse effects, is a good idea. It is possible that side effects like swelling and itching will bother you after the treatment. All of them are quite normal and should go in a day or two at the most. Applying a cold or warm compress to the affected area can help. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing skin irritation or edema.

  • Do not go out in the sun.

The hairs on our skin serve a function, however minor it may seem. It shields us from the sun’s rays, protecting our skin from damage. As the procedure eliminates hair, you expose more skin to potentially damaging UV radiation. Your doctor may recommend avoiding sun exposure or using sunscreen whenever you go outside after your treatment.