Your teeth and overall dental health can affect the rest of your body. For example, if you lose a tooth in an accident or due to decay, you may not be able to eat a number of things. These may include meat, vegetables, crunchy items, etc. Some of these items may even be important for your overall well-being and nutrition. 

Therefore, teeth and gum problems can eventually impact your diet and nutrition. This is why it is important to take care of them. Dental problems are not just a cosmetic concern. Dental implants by a cosmetic dentist in Chehalis can restore your ability to chew food. Implants look and feel like natural teeth, making them one of the best alternatives. 

How does missing teeth impact nutrition?

There is no lack of evidence showing how missing teeth can impact nutrition. To live a healthy life, it is important to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables and nuts. 

When you experience oral health problems, you are forced to eat certain items and leave out the others. This can negatively impact your body and cause other health issues. 

For example, painful or loose teeth force you to have a diet full of soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, soups, etc. Usually, such items are high in cholesterol and lack various other nutrients, such as protein, minerals, and vitamins. 

Not eating properly can lead to malnutrition. Therefore, when you lose even a single tooth, it is important to act fast. Not only does your diet get affected, but the other teeth also begin shifting. Eventually, you end up with a weird-looking set of teeth with lots of gaps in between.

According to various studies, the more teeth you lose, the worse your nutrition becomes. 

What are dental implants, and how do they help chew food?

Dental implants are one of the most popular and beneficial dental procedures for replacing your missing or decayed tooth. A titanium screw is fitted into your jawbone, which serves as the root, and a tooth-like structure, known as the crown, is put on top, which serves as the upper part of the tooth. They look, function, and feel like natural teeth and are not uncomfortable at all. 

When you replace your missing tooth with a dental implant, you allow yourself to continue eating a balanced diet. You will only have to eat soft foods for a short while following your procedure. Once you fully recover, you will be able to eat whatever you want. 

Dental implants give you the pleasure of eating the foods you previously could not. Since they function like natural teeth, you would not have to worry about them shifting or falling out. You can bite and chew as though you still have your complete set of teeth. 

Nutritional benefits of dental implants.

  • They make chewing easier:

    They function like natural teeth and allow you to eat anything you want. 

  • They aid in digestion:

    Since dental implants allow you to chew better, they also help in your digestion. 

  • They improve your ability to taste food:

    Tooth loss can diminish your ability to taste food. Dental implants can restore that by providing direct stimulation. 

  • They reduce the risk of malnutrition:

    Dental implants enable you to eat a wide variety of foods. Thus, you remain healthy. 

Book a dental consultation. 

If you have lost a tooth or more due to an accident, you should immediately make an appointment with your dentist. Losing a tooth is a serious issue that must be addressed before things get worse. Before you know it, you might notice an infection developing or other bodily problems. Visit a dentist today!