Spinal stenosis is one of the rising concerns in America and usually occurs when there is insufficient space inside the backbone, placing pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. How to tell if you have the condition? You can look for symptoms like pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness. The main cause is arthritis-related wear and tear. If you are seeking surgery, note that surgery can help make more room and relieve symptoms, but it cannot cure arthritis-related back pain. For Georgetown spinal stenosis services, head to the website. 

What are the symptoms?

While it is true that symptoms of spinal stenosis take time to surface, they also worsen over time. The symptoms differ depending on which part of the spine is affected. It can induce leg pain or cramping in the lower back while standing or walking, which improves with bending or sitting. It can also cause numbness, tingling, weakness, walking difficulty, neck pain, and issues with bowel or bladder function in the neck.

What causes this?

When the spinal canal narrows, the pressure on the spinal cord and nerves increases. Some of the things that lead to spinal stenosis are arthritis-related bone spurs, herniated disks, thickening ligaments, tumors, and spinal traumas. Some people are even born with a short spinal canal, but the majority of cases are caused by aging or accidents that restrict the open space within the spine.

Acquired spinal stenosis, which usually occurs beyond the age of 50, is caused by injuries or age-related changes in the spine (degenerative alterations). The most common causes include osteoarthritis-related bone overgrowth, bulging or herniated disks, thicker ligaments, spinal fractures or traumas, and spinal cysts or tumors that constrict the spinal canal and pressure nerves.

Congenital spinal stenosis develops in infants and children as a result of problems with spine formation during fetal development or genetic disorders that impair bone growth. Achondroplasia, spinal dysraphism (including spina bifida), congenital kyphosis, congenital short pedicles, osteopetrosis, Morquio syndrome, and inherited multiple exostoses (diaphyseal aclasis) are other examples. These diseases can induce a narrowing of the spinal canal and a variety of symptoms.

Final thoughts:

Your healthcare practitioner will evaluate your medical history, perform a physical exam, and may order imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans with contrast dye to visualize the spine’s structure, nerves, and spinal cord and identify the extent of the condition. These tests serve to determine the precise location and kind of spinal stenosis and in reaching an accurate diagnosis.