Elderly Foot Care: Addressing Prevalent Issues And Solutions

Foot care for older people is an extremely important issue that can go unnoticed. Without proper foot care, the person will have pain and health problems. You will also be unable to walk properly or perform the recommended physical activity. Even an older person with foot problems may find it difficult to perform simple daily tasks, making it difficult for them to move.
Therefore, learning the main podiatric problems in older people can help us understand what are common foot problems in older adults. In addition, it will be important to know the different measures we can take to care for our elders’ feet properly.
1 Main pathologies of the foot in the elderly
2 Main foot care for the elderly
3 Proper nail care
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Main Pathologies Of The Foot In The Elderly
The feet are a delicate part of the human body, as they support our weight most of the time. Its deterioration can have harmful effects on the general health of an older person. So let’s see the main pathologies that can affect the podiatric health of older people:
Diabetic foot: Diabetes is a common problem among the elderly. Those who have type 2 diabetes often have numbness in their feet. A priori, this may not seem like a problem. However, it can cause infections and other undetected problems that are not treated in time.
Corns and bunions: the constant pressure on the foot can cause excessive growth of the top layer of skin. This is known as hyperkeratosis and can cause discomfort or gait changes. Other problems, such as bunions, consist of a deviation of the big toe towards the other toes.
Ingrown Toenail – Toenails can sometimes become thickened and curved. Sometimes they even burrow into the skin and can cause infection, pain, and inflammation. Treated in time, it can have an easy solution. Otherwise, it may end up requiring surgical intervention.
Osteoarthritis and arthritis: sometimes, the cartilage in the joints suffers slight deformations. The membrane that covers the cartilage can also become inflamed, causing stiffness and swelling. This is known as osteoarthritis and arthritis, respectively, and can cause intense pain.
Dry skin: sometimes, the skin of the feet is dry and flaky, causing very annoying itching. It can also make the area’s skin more sensitive to wounds, cuts, etc. This is mainly due to a lack of hydration.
Without adequate foot care, the older person will be prevented from many tasks or suffer pain and problems. It can therefore affect the degree of autonomy and independence of the older person. That, in turn, leads to a change in her quality of life. Therefore, let’s see the main measures to take care of our feet:
Maintaining good hygiene: Keeping your feet clean and dry is necessary. When we wash daily, we must clean and dry the entire foot, paying special attention to the gaps between the toes. It is also necessary to change your shoes, stockings, and socks often. It does not help much that the foot is clean if we put on socks and shoes that are not.
Try to have adequate mobility: Although having the appropriate breaks is necessary, we should not remain seated for too long. It’s good, once in a while, to get up and move your feet. Physical exercise will also improve blood circulation in the feet.
Wear the right shoes: The foot’s size and shape change as we age. For this reason, it is necessary to adjust the type of shoe we use. We must change the size if necessary. It is also useful to look for comfortable shoes with wider lasts and more breathable and flexible ones. In addition, given the loss of the fat layer on the sole, shoes with rubber soles or gel insoles can be useful.
Go to the podiatrist: Just as you go to the family doctor like in PrimeCare for example, the neurologist, or the eye doctor for proper foot care, let’s not forget to visit the podiatrist when necessary.