You already know there is no instruction manual for parenting if you have kids. Every kid develops differently, even though there are many essential milestones and expectations for your child’s growth. For example, even though current studies indicate that around 75% of infants and teens need orthodontic care, some must start the process quicker. So, around their seventh birthday, experts suggest scheduling an orthodontic checkup for your child. Here are the top five signs they will evaluate to assess if your kid needs braces in Los Gatos.

Signs that your child needs a dental checkup

  • Early or late tooth loss in a baby

Baby teeth are essential in safeguarding jawbone space and helping with the appropriate development of permanent teeth. These primary teeth usually arise in a particular order within a limited interval, however, every child’s situation is different. The adult permanent teeth under them can emerge irregularly or become impacted if they diverge much from this arrangement.

  • Problems with the jaw or teeth

Have you observed any bite errors in your kid, such as an overbite, underbite, or other type? Since bite issues may give rise to significant issues later in life, they are among the most common signs that orthodontic treatment is needed. In addition to their outer look, you may be able to figure out if your child has biting issues, if they have trouble chewing, or if they unintentionally bite their insides a lot.

  • Crowded teeth

Crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth are possibly the most obvious sign that a child needs braces. In addition to being undesirable, overcrowding creates tiny gaps that accumulate plaque and bacteria, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Weak enamel, damaged teeth, and other oral health problems may arise from crowded teeth over time.

  • Thumb-sucking

Usually, kids quit sucking out their thumbs and fingers on themselves by the age of four. If your child keeps doing thumbsucking after turning four, mainly if it seems highly violent or involves a lot of jaw motion, the added pressure could result in their teeth releasing improperly.

  • Mouth breathing

Your kid might frequently breathe using their mouth. This can indicate orthodontic issues if their tongue fails to fit comfortably in their mouth. It may leave them uncomfortable or need more work and focus than usual. Regular mouth breathing can be a symptom of orthodontic problems needing fixing.

Of course, seeing a dentist for a checkup and examination is the only sure method to determine if your child requires orthodontic treatment.