The human story of orthodontics, the dental specialty that deals with correcting misaligned teeth and jaws, goes back thousands of years, explains an orthodontist in Morrisville, NC. The history of orthodontics from ancient civilizations to modern-day technological breakthroughs is a testimony to man striving for the perfect smile; one that is both healthy and functional but also beautiful. In this article, we will discuss the evolution of dentistry

Ancient Beginnings

The beginnings of orthodontics may be traced back to several centuries ago in ancient civilizations where the first efforts to repair dental irregularities were recorded. The earliest evidence of simple orthodontics was unearthed at a burial site near Naples in 2014, which scrapped the myth that metal bands and catgut had not been used to align teeth before AD’s prevalent usage.

Renaissance and early modern period:

It was in Europe during the Renaissance that great strides were made into dentistry which has helped orthodontics evolve with all of its present-day vigor. The practice of orthodontics was back in the eighteenth century when French dentist, Pierre Fauchard published a comprehensive treatise on how to perform dental surgery.

Born with this Modern Concept of Orthodontics:

A separate specialty within dentistry appeared only in the XIX century. Perhaps the most important figure of all was Dr. Edward Angle who is also known as the “Father of Modern Orthodontics”.

Technological Advancements

The history of orthodontics, meanwhile, saw significant technologies and treatments come to pass throughout the 20th century. With the advent of X-rays, orthodontists got a new opportunity to revolutionize the process of diagnosis and treatment planning as they could now easily see what was underneath. The advent of dental adhesives and bonding techniques in the 1970s made it possible to attach brackets directly to the teeth, replacing bands with a more user-friendly solution.

Contemporary Orthodontics

Over the recent decades, the development of orthodontics keeps on changing with the introduction of digital technology and new methods of treatment. Advances in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) have revolutionized the fabrication of orthodontic appliances and enabled more accurate, individualized treatment. In addition, clear aligner systems have been incorporated into many practices.

The journey from the ancient civilizations to the orthodontics of the 21st century shows how human ingenuity and innovation have evolved. This history is eloquent testimony to these powers of mind! Today, undergoing orthodontic treatment is more affordable and effective than ever before, making a healthy and beautiful smile possible for all ages. With the rapid expansion and constant evolution of science and technology, it is only a matter of time before we see just how far orthodontics can go to improve oral health.